Absence Tracker
Keep a close eye on crucial employee data including:
  • Sick Leaves
  • Personal Leaves
  • ​Vacation
  • ​Protected Leaves
  • ​Tardiness

Download the Google Sheets version for easy sharing and remote access.

Watch Our Video Tutorials to Get Started

In these videos, we'll guide you through the step-by-step process of tracking your employee leaves and lates, ensuring accurate record-keeping. Additionally, we'll provide valuable insights on how to seamlessly update your calendar to reflect the changes brought about by the new year. 
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Before you go…

Monitoring and complying with the ever-changing employment laws can be daunting. The checklist is only the first step in the long and tiring journey to compliance. If you are struggling to catch up with the current labour laws and need help reviewing your policies, we'd love to help!